We're 100% focused on small business

With Paycheck you can…

Save Hours, If Not Days

Compare rates from the country's leading lenders with a single application.

Save Thousands

Lenders compete for your business, making sure you get the best terms.

Work with a Specialists

We'll work together to reduce your financing costs over time.

Customer’s Stories

0K Loans Taken
0 Offices
0 Awards Won
0% Happy Clients

Our flexibility and efficiency set us apart


A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau

Fastest process

Repeat customer benefits

Builds business credit

Values cash flow, not just credit score

Transparent Pricing Tool


A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau

Fastest process

Repeat customer benefits

Builds business credit

Values cash flow, not just credit score

Transparent Pricing Tool

Ready to grow your business?

It's free—prequalify without affecting your credit!

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